
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the revolution that small and medium business have been promised from the deregulation of the commun- ications marketplace. Systems Xpert is in a position to slash huge percentages from your company's telephone bill through our partnership network.
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While we no longer directly sell servers and other IT hardware, we can still put together tailored IT infrastructure packages at very competitive prices. If you know you need to build or upgrade a business network, for 1 office or 100, Systems Xpert can design and source the best solution for your business.
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We provide machine and system hosting. This service includes internet access, uninterrupted operation and high security at very competitive prices. Should your organisation be looking to reduce your IT infrastructure footprint and spending, managed hosting is an option to consider.
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Cloud Machines

For lightweight com- puting, we offer shared machine hosting through our internet virtualized services. These are a low-cost alternative to purchasing server machines, eliminating capital expenditure in favour of lower operating expenses.
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Cloud Platforms

Fast internet speeds have created the greatest possible value for money with "cloud computing" platforms. These are online database platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Google App Engine and Microsoft Azure. We can migrate your existing applications or develop custom applications to take advantage of these "bleeding-edge" technologies.
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