Our principal consultant Ben Slack is experienced in general management consulting, enterprise architecture, IT consulting and developing and delivering training courses. Whatever your industry or business model, we can help you grow and improve your performance.

Systems Xpert has experience in developing a complete range of business software for the Java and Microsoft .NET frame- works, Windows DNA (COM+), Microsot Sliverlight and C/C++ for UNIX systems. We can build applications for the PC, corporate intranets and the internet.

Systems Xpert now has a suite of software products, including Account Xpert, our SME accounting and business manage- ment software with features normally found only at the "big end of town"; Connect Xpert for internet EDI; and SwitchlineDB for online/offline access to your data.

We design, build and manage any kind of IT infrastructure project. From small Web servers to 10-blade enclosures, we can source a full range of IT hardware tailored to your requirements. We also have experience in a wide range of cloud-based services that we can purchase, configure and/or manage on your behalf.