Account Xpert is an internet-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) application which includes all the capabilities of a desktop accounting system and more, but is always available to all staff over a secure internet connection. Several pluggable modules come as standard, such as customer relationship management (CRM), payroll and promotion management. We can quickly develop additional modules for your businesses unique requirements at a fraction of the cost of the big name ERP systems.
Connect Xpert is a secure internet-based service which provides industry standard electronic data interchange (EDI), system integration and middleware services without the need for purchasing expensive software licenses and additional hardware.
Whether you are currently using modern XML Web Services to share data between your applications or, older legacy formats, Connect Xpert can easily accommodate them. Additionally, Connect Xpert has the scalability and power to be the engine of your organisation's service oriented architecture (SOA) initiative.
switchlineDB is a powerful database engine that allows end-users to disconnect from a Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL based application and take an encrypted copy of the data with them on their laptop - any changes to either the laptop copy or central copy will be updated as soon as the user next connects to the company network. Other database systems can be utilized with a small amount of customization.